Dynasty Warriors 9

Crafting is "vital" in Dynasty Warriors 9

We spoke to producer Akihiro Suzuki in Tokyo.

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At the Tokyo Game Show 2017 we were lucky enough to talked to Dynasty Warriors 9's producer Akihiro Suzuki about the upcoming musou game, and with the help of a translator, we asked Suzuki about not only the crafting, but the new grappling hook in the game.

"We do have elements in the game that you can collect materials, so as you mentioned with the meats, you can actually make a meat bun, such as food items, items like that in the game," he explained. "I mean, as well, in terms of weapons you can craft stronger weapons, and in order to do that there are recipes for each, so you need to find the recipes, and once you get the recipes, you then have to find the materials for that, so there is that element of finding materials that becomes pretty important to vital within the game."

"In terms of new actions, you mentioned the grappling hook, yes, we've implemented that for this title. This will allow players to climb walls, and it won't be every single wall, but there will be certain points that you can use the grappling hooks [...] and not just for walls as well. There are some cliffs where you can climb up by using the grappling hook [...] we also have wall jumps in the game where if there's certain areas where you can't use a grappling hook, you can try and use wall jumps to climb."

Is the grappling hook a welcome feature?

Dynasty Warriors 9

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Dynasty Warriors 9Score

Dynasty Warriors 9

REVIEW. Written by Sam Bishop

"Sure, the shift to open world wasn't really necessary, and doesn't really bring any huge advantages with it, but it's a very fun game nonetheless."

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